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TwiML™ Voice: <Sms>


The <Sms> TwiML verb is deprecated

To reply to incoming text messages with another text message, use the <Message> verb. To send a text message in response to an incoming phone call, use a webhook to trigger your own application code and use the REST API to send a text message.

The <Sms> verb sends an SMS message to a phone number during a phone call.

Verb Attributes

attributes page anchor

The <Sms> verb supports the following attributes that modify its behavior:

Attribute NameAllowed ValuesDefault Value
tophone numbersee below
fromphone numbersee below
actionrelative or absolute URLnone
statusCallbackrelative or absolute URLnone

Use one or more of these attributes in a <Sms> verb like so:

Using the SMS verb

using-the-sms-verb page anchor

const VoiceResponse = require('twilio').twiml.VoiceResponse;
const response = new VoiceResponse();
from: '+14105551234',
to: '+14105556789'
}, 'The king stay the king.');


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Sms from="+14105551234" to="+14105556789">The king stay the king.</Sms>


attributes-to page anchor

The 'to' attribute takes a valid phone number as a value. Twilio will send an SMS message to this number.

When sending an SMS during an incoming call, 'to' defaults to the caller. When sending an SMS during an outgoing call, 'to' defaults to the called party. The value of 'to' must be a valid phone number. NOTE: sending to short codes is not currently supported.

Phone numbers should be formatted with a '+' and country code e.g., +16175551212 (E.164(link takes you to an external page) format). For 'to' numbers without a '+', Twilio will use the same country code as the 'from' number. Twilio will also attempt to handle locally formatted numbers for that country code (e.g. (415) 555-1212 for US, 07400123456 for GB). If you are sending to a different country than the 'from' number, you must include a '+' and the country code to ensure proper delivery.



If you are sending an SMS from a trial account, the to phone number must be verified with Twilio. Learn how to verify your phone number here.

The 'from' attribute takes a valid phone number as an argument. This number must be a phone number that you've purchased from or ported to Twilio. When sending an SMS during an incoming call, 'from' defaults to the called party. When sending an SMS during an outgoing call, 'from' defaults to the calling party. This number must be an SMS-enabled phone number assigned to your account. If the phone number isn't SMS-enabled, then the <Sms> verb will not send an SMS message.

The 'action' attribute takes a URL as an argument. After processing the <Sms> verb, Twilio will make a GET or POST request to this URL with the form parameters 'SmsStatus' and 'SmsSid'. Using an 'action' URL, your application can receive synchronous notification that the message was successfully enqueued.

If you provide an 'action' URL, Twilio will use the TwiML received in your response to the 'action' URL request to continue the current call. Any TwiML verbs occurring after an <Sms> which specifies an 'action' attribute are unreachable.

If no 'action' is provided, <Sms> will finish and Twilio will move on to the next TwiML verb in the document. If there is no next verb, Twilio will end the phone call. Note that this is different from the behavior of <Record> and <Gather>. <Sms> does not make a request to the current document's URL by default if no 'action' URL is provided.

Twilio will pass the following parameters in addition to the standard TwiML Voice request parameters with its request to the 'action' URL:

SmsSidThe Sid Twilio has assigned for the SMS message.
SmsStatusThe current status of the SMS message. This is usually 'sending'. But if you provide an invalid number, this is 'invalid'.

The 'method' attribute takes the value GET or POST. This tells Twilio whether to request the 'action' URL via HTTP GET or POST. This attribute is modeled after the HTML form 'method' attribute. POST is the default value.

The 'statusCallback' attribute takes a URL as an argument. When the SMS message is actually sent, or if sending fails, Twilio will make an asynchronous POST request to this URL with the parameters 'SmsStatus' and 'SmsSid'. Note, 'statusCallback' always uses HTTP POST to request the given url.

Twilio will pass the following parameters in addition to the standard TwiML Voice request parameters with its request to the 'statusCallback' URL:

SmsSidThe Sid for the Sms message
SmsStatusThe current status of the Sms message. Either 'sent' or 'failed'

The "noun" of a TwiML verb is the stuff nested within the verb that's not a verb itself; it's the stuff the verb acts upon. These are the nouns for <Sms>:

plain textThe text of the SMS message you want to send. Must be less than 160 characters.

You can't nest any verbs within <Sms> and you can't nest <Sms> in any other verbs.



Want to send an SMS without waiting for an inbound call? See our outbound SMS documentation.

Example 1: Simple SMS sending

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This is the simplest case for <Sms>. Twilio first tells the caller where the store is located, and then sends the caller an SMS with the location as the message.


const VoiceResponse = require('twilio').twiml.VoiceResponse;
const response = new VoiceResponse();
response.say('Our store is located at 123 Easy St.');
response.sms('Store Location: 123 Easy St.');


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- page located at -->
<Say>Our store is located at 123 Easy St.</Say>
<Sms>Store Location: 123 Easy St.</Sms>

Example 2: SmsStatus reporting

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In this use case, we provide 'action' URL and 'method' attributes. Now when the message is queued for delivery, Twilio will make a request to the 'action' URL passing the parameter 'SmsStatus'. If the message is queued and waiting to be sent, 'SmsStatus' will have the value 'sending'. If an invalid attribute was provided, then 'SmsStatus' will be 'invalid'.

Your web application can look at the 'SmsStatus' parameter and decide what to do next.

If an 'action' URL is provided for <Sms>, flow of your application will continue with the TwiML received in response to the 'action' request. All verbs remaining in the document are unreachable and ignored.


const VoiceResponse = require('twilio').twiml.VoiceResponse;
const response = new VoiceResponse();
response.say('Our store is located at 123 Easy St.');
action: '/smsHandler.php',
method: 'POST'
}, 'Store Location: 123 Easy St.');


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- page located at -->
<Say>Our store is located at 123 Easy St.</Say>
<Sms action="/smsHandler.php" method="POST">
Store Location: 123 Easy St.

Example 3: statusCallback reporting

example-3 page anchor

In this example we provide a 'statusCallback' URL. When the message is finished sending (not just enqueued), Twilio will asynchronously request the 'statusCallback' URL with the parameter 'SmsStatus'. If the messages was successfully sent, 'SmsStatus' will be 'sent'. If the message failed to send, 'SmsStatus' will be 'failed'.

statusCallback reporting

statuscallback-reporting page anchor

const VoiceResponse = require('twilio').twiml.VoiceResponse;
const response = new VoiceResponse();
response.say('Our store is located at 123 Easy St.');
statusCallback: '/smsHandler.php'
}, 'Store Location: 123 Easy St.');


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- page located at -->
<Say>Our store is located at 123 Easy St.</Say>
<Sms statusCallback="/smsHandler.php">Store Location: 123 Easy St.</Sms>

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